datepicker in birt 2.x webviewer

Posted by gjergj.sheldija on June 9, 2011

birt is a really nice tool and the webviewer is great. it lacks a a very simple feature thou, the datepicker when entering parameters.. implementing it was a very straightforward process. first download [dynarch’s calendar]<> and extract it somewhere, you will just need the contents of the src folder now locate and open FramesetFragment.jsp in WebViewerExample/webcontent/birt/pages/layout and TextBoxParameterFragment.jsp in WebViewerExample/webcontent/birt/pages/parameter now in the FramesetFragment.jsp insert those lines before the closing head tag

    <link href="birt/calendar/css/jscal2.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link >
    <link href="birt/calendar/css/border-radius.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link>
    <link href="birt/calendar/css/win2k/win2k.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link>
    <script src="birt/calendar/js/jscal2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="birt/calendar/js/lang/en.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

and in TextBoxParameterFragment.jsp just after

<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" ID="isRequired" VALUE = "<%= parameterBean.isRequired( )? "true": "false" %>">


 <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" ID="isRequired" VALUE = "<%= parameterBean.isRequired( )? "true": "false" %>">


<INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" ID="isRequired"
            VALUE = "<%= parameterBean.isRequired( )? "true": "false" %>">

    if (parameterBean.getParameter().getDataType()==7 || parameterBean.getParameter().getDataType()==4) {
      <button id="<%=parameterBean.getName()%>_button">...</button>
      <script type="text/javascript">
          trigger     : '<%=parameterBean.getName()%>_button',
          inputField  : '<%=parameterBean.getName()%>',
          showTime    : 12,
          onSelect    :function () { this.hide() }


you may have noticed that i have extracted the contents of the src folder into WebViewerExample/webcontent/birt/calendar

well..that’s it, hope you appreciate it