mercurial patch creation

Posted by gjergj.sheldija on January 20, 2011

some days ago i had the need to generate a patch for a project i had on hosted on mercurial. the problem was that the user that would do the update was not able to apply a diff patch, nor wanted to know about it. the ideal solution for him was to just send him a zipped file for him to extract and copy paste over the existing files. after some long searches on google i wasn’t able to find, armed with my bash newbie skills i came up with the following code


if [ $# -lt 3 ] ; then
cat <<HELP
create-changeset -- creates a tar.gz file with the changed files
USAGE: create-changeset 'repository-path' 'revision-from' 'revision-to'
EXAMPLE: create-changeset /var/www/survey 4 5

  exit 0

mkdir /tmp/project

## changed files
cd $1

for changed_files in `hg log --rev $2:$3 --template '{files}\n'`
    cp --parents $changed_files /tmp/project

## list of removed files
hg log --rev $2:$3 --template '{files_dels}\n' > removed_files.txt
mv removed_files.txt /tmp/project

## changelog
hg log --rev $2:$3 --style changelog > changelog
mv changelog /tmp/project

cd /tmp/project
tar -czf changes.$2-$3.tar.gz *
mv changes.$2-$3.tar.gz $1
rm -rf /tmp/project

the usage is quite simple, just execute it like

create-changeset full-path-to-repository version-from version-to

the result will be a tar.gz compressed file in the repository directory containing a file listing the removed files, a changelog file and your modified files.
you can download it here : create-changesets.tar.gzr
hope it helps