MySQL : TIMEDIFF( ) : java.sql.SQLException :
Illegal hour value for java.sql.Time type

Posted by gjergj.sheldija on January 30, 2011

MySQL’s TIMEDIFF runs well on MySQl Shell but is an sql exception when using with JDBC. the problem is that the TIMEDIFF(expr1,expr2) function returns returns expr1 – expr2 expressed as a time value. this value is handled by java.sql.Time. but TIMEDIFF( , ) may return (for example) 12:27:58 or 48:30:58 as the case may be. For first value it works but for the second value it is not a proper time value according to java.sql.Time, hence the exception.

a workaround of this problem is to convert this query to return a string, like :


then the returned value will be a string instead of a time value and JDBC will not parse it.